Choose your VegPledge
5 Veg & 2 Fruit
Eat Organic
Ditch the Dairy
Veg Adventures
Go Vegan
Shop Local
Whole Day WholeFoods
Plant a Herb
Meatfree Mondays
VegOut @ Work
Veg In with Friends
Smoothie Criminal
About VegPledge
Do you want to make a REAL difference? You can … and it’s easy! By taking the VegPledge you can choose to do something large or small to reduce your carbon footprint, improve your health and stop cruelty to animals. With over seven billion people on the face of the earth, the planet is feeling our weight like never before. By making just one just a small change in your daily eating habits the effects are enormous when spread over so many people. Not only that, you will become more aware of the connection between the food on your plate and how large a part it plays on our beautiful planet. The really good news is that your personal dietary choices do not rely on governments, corporations or any other person to make a difference. It is entirely up to you. Simply making changes to what you do every day will affect your future and that of every other being on the planet. Are you up for it? Go ahead take the Vegpledge. So what inspired us to create the VegPledge? V Stars members, Donna, Tim, Nikki and Bob came together to do something like this in 2010. We did the VegPledges and we celebrated with a picnic. In 2015, we have the IVU delegates coming to Australia for the World Veg Fest. This is the first time in over 100 years these leaders visiting Sydney and Melbourne. From Africa to Amazon, our food choice is impacting our nature like never before. Check out the events page. Coinciding with this V Stars members were inspired to create the VegPledge to share how more plants on our plates can really change the world. Special thanks to Ashleen, for the designs and Kumaresh for the web wizard-work and Mark for editing the content. Warning: There are side effects to the VegPledge. You may feel a whole lot better. Your carbon foot print will reduce. You’ll create a cleaner world. Factory farming will reduce. And we’ll have enough food to billions more people. Boom!
For the Environment
Sustainable Planet
For the Health
Improves Your Well Being
For the Animals
Voice for the Voiceless
For the Community
Happy People, Happy Community
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